A State Auto agent asked us this question on LinkedIn: “How can I expand my agency’s Twitter presence?” The following suggestions can also help you promote your agency’s Twitter feed and add value for your clients who follow you.
For more ideas and help, check out Twitter's resource site for businesses to help you make sure you're leveraging this tool to your best advantage.
How is your agency using Twitter? Let us know in the comments below.
Ways to Expand Your Insurance Agency Twitter Presence:
- Tell your customers, business partners, friends, family members, and strangers you meet on the street (half joking) about your Twitter account and what you're sharing there. Include the link in client emails and in your email signature. Put your Twitter handle on your business card. Ask people to follow you and share your Tweets.
- Once people follow you, you want them to keep following along. Keep them interested with a mix of helpful information and personable stories, humor and observations. Keep it professional, but be yourself. Let Twitter complement the relationships you’re building.
- Visuals are much more engaging on social media – people are more likely to look at, click on, respond to and share images than just text. You can attach photos to your Tweets. Attending a community event? Take a picture of your ticket or program booklet. Share what you’re seeing out your window on a stormy day.
- Find more people to follow, and they may follow you back. Target the types of people you want to associate with – those that will post relevant, useful content you'll want to share with your followers. We share content daily from @StateAuto that you can retweet.
- Schedule your Tweets in advance to save yourself time. Spend 15 minutes a day creating Tweets from things you read that would be useful to your clients (safety, home maintenance, financial help, and risk management), things others tweet, and pictures your team members find online or in the community. Use a free (or very low cost) scheduler.
Use a visual to deliver important safety messages on Twitter. |
For more ideas and help, check out Twitter's resource site for businesses to help you make sure you're leveraging this tool to your best advantage.
How is your agency using Twitter? Let us know in the comments below.
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