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Put Your Best FACE Forward: Facing Your Customers

Ask yourself this, "when is the last time I saw client X?" Now imagine someone asking client X, "when is the last time you saw your agent?" The answer is probably the same, "I can't remember."
As much as we'd like to meet face to face with every client we work with or hope to represent, it just isn't always possible. However, just because it isn't possible to meet in person, there is no reason why your clients shouldn't feel like they just saw you. In today's business world marketing options are plentiful, but none may be more effective than simply marketing your face.

During one of my very first sales calls, I met with an ex-captive agent who worked for a large insurance company. We discussed one of the company's studies which compared two separate captive agencies. One of the agents used a traditional business card and the other had all the same traditional information, but included a key difference, a photograph.  The company reached out to both agencies' clients who had not been seen in over three years and asked, "When is the last time you saw your agent?" The agent without a photograph on

their card generated a common response: "I don't know," or "It's been a while." However, the agent with the photograph on their business cards received different responses: "Within the year," or "Just the other day."

Now, before you throw out all of your old business cards, let's focus on taking advantage of some of today's technologies that will help you create similar results.

"Face-ing" your customers

Email is the preferred method of communication and is generally the easiest and fastest way to send a quote proposal. Though the quote arrives quickly, it lacks personality, character and expertise.

How do we bridge the gap? Use your face. Rather than just sending a PDF with a quick note, take the time to record a custom message for the client. Web cameras sell for as little as $12 and can help you provide the personality, character, and expertise that your email otherwise lacks.  Using your smartphone to record a quick video message is just as easy.   The next time your client opens a quote proposal, it could be accompanied with a personalized video file from their agent.

“Hi John,
I wanted to personally thank you for your business and quickly go over a few key features of your policy.  State Auto Insurance is one of our strongest companies and has a 90 year history. You qualified for their Prime of Life package which will enhance both your Home and Auto policies all while adding discounts. The Homeowners policy includes Identity Theft, full coverage for your cell phones, and we were also able to increase your Auto liability coverage to 250/500. We did this all while generating an annual savings of XXX dollars. Please take some time to review the quote and be sure to call or email me with any questions. Thanks again for the business and have a great day!"

In less than 60 seconds you were able to put your face back in front of the client, all while pointing out the key and unique features of the policy that would normally go unnoticed. A traditional face-to-face meeting is still the best way to meet with your clients, but when that option isn't available or if time doesn't permit, a 60 second video message can make the difference between a lifetime client and just another quote. And don't limit the video messages to just quotes, your client’s annual reviews and holiday greetings can all be accompanied with a video message. 

Looking to take it a step further?  Post videos to your Facebook or LinkedIn account, and always be sure to have a photograph on every digital account you manage.  This means emails signatures, Facebook and LinkedIn profile pictures, out of office auto-replies, and much much more. Make it a goal this year to get your face back in front of your clients.  And remember, your State Auto Partners are here to help!

Joe Aubin MRH Personal Lines Sales Manager  -  State Auto Insurance Companies


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