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Tips for Facebook News Feed Visibility

You post something on your agency’s Facebook page. Does it show up in your followers’ news feed? It’s hard to say, thanks to Facebook’s complicated and ever-changing method for determining who sees what and when. 

For an insurance agency running a Facebook page, this means you need to be very clear about what your followers (people who liked your page) want to see, and provide that content in the right ways. Marketing Land published a review of Facebook’s news feed changes over the past few years, and we’ve summed it up for you.

Tips for Facebook News Feed Visibility 

  • Make it meaningful. The more someone is interested in your content and interacts with it with a click, like, share or comment, the more they will see your future content. Things you’ve posted in the past could impact how visible your content is in the future. 
  • Don’t post overly promotional content. If you’re directly selling something, your post will be less likely to show up. Facebook wants you to buy an ad.
  • Buy targeted ads. The advertising options on Facebook are highly targeted and inexpensive. It’s an effective way to get your messages out to the right people. 
  • Post about timely topics. Relate your messages to popular TV shows, sports events, and other things getting a lot of attention. Be creative with this, but don’t force it (people will see right through it). A good example is posting about safe driving and host liability during college bowl season.  
  • Don’t share posts that withhold information to get people to click. “You’ll never believe what happened next …” posts that make you click to get the full story are annoying, and Facebook will punish you with decreased visibility.
  • Don’t ask you followers to click “Like” to vote for their favorite animal. Or any other posts that explicitly ask for people to take an action to indicate their vote or preference. The example Marketing Land users asks people to like the post if they like bunnies best, share the post if they like kitties best, comment for dolphins and do nothing if they like mosquitos. 
  • Tag other pages in your posts. If an organization or business you partner with or support has a Facebook page, and you mention them in a post, tag the page. This gives your content the chance to be seen by the followers of that page. 
  • Share photos and video. Especially those you’ve created yourself. Text-only posts are given lower priority. 

Get the details and more tips in the full article from Marketing Land. 


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