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Is Social Advertising Effective? See what Marketers Think

Recent surveys of B2B and B2C marketers show content marketing is at the top of the list of the most effective tactics. And, social advertising – like Facebook ads and sponsored posts – may be more effective than you might think. 

You can get a great overview of takeaways in this blog post from Social Media Examiner

Here’s what we think is the most important for State Auto agents to know:

  • For B2C marketers – 61% of those using things like Facebook ads or promoted tweets found them to be effective.   
  • Marketers are finding social ads to be more effective than ever – 20-30% more respondents find them to be effective than a year ago. 
  • Facebook is found to be the most effective, followed by YouTube and Twitter. 
  • Fewer B2B marketers found social ads to be effective – but it was still in the 43-48% range. Not insignificant. 
  • LinkedIn ads were most effective for B2B, followed by Twitter ads. 
  • Marketers also rank content marketing as the most effective compared to other digital and traditional marketing methods. See the chart below:

What you can do:

Try social ads for your agency: You can start out with a small budget and highly targeted ads. This article from AdWeek will help.

Get on board with content marketing. Check out this Social Agent post on content marketing. 

Let us know how State Auto can help you, and see our Social Agent section on AgentSite for our library of content you can use. 


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